A non-profit organization established by the son and grandsons of the late Zalman Belachovski, a fighter and defender of Tel Hai, and by social activists, IDF reserve officers and entrepreneurs.
The association works to connect all shades of Israeli society to the history of the people of Israel and their attachment to their country with planning of future ventures, From imparting bad values of brotherhood and the nation’s culture to its generations.
Tel Hai was an agricultural farm. The members there lived as a kibbutz, out of an ideology of friendship and fondness, self-fulfillment, and an understanding that one must invest their strength and abilities to help the historical settlement of the people of Israel in the Land of Israel.

Tel Hai Trustees non-profit organization
A non-profit organization established by the son and grandsons of the late Zalman Belachovski, a fighter and defender of Tel Hai, and by social activists, IDF reserve officers and entrepreneurs.
The association works to connect all shades of Israeli society to the history of the people of Israel and their attachment to their country with planning of future ventures, From imparting bad values of brotherhood and the nation’s culture to its generations.
Tel Hai was an agricultural farm. The members there lived as a kibbutz, out of an ideology of friendship and fondness, self-fulfillment, and an understanding that one must invest their strength and abilities to help the historical settlement of the people of Israel in the Land of Israel.
The Battle of Tel Hai was one of the greatest and most remembered stories of heroism in the heritage of the Land of Israel, which became a symbol of the fighting of the few against the many and the value of the settlement of Jews in the Land of Israel.

The story of Tel Hai is an unusual story in the Zionist history. It is a one-of-a-kind story and has a tremendous power.
The story of Tel Hai defenders and is the unifying story. A story of a group of people who love people and love their country who became loyal to their country and servants of their people.
The 11th of Adar took root as the day of heroism – the Day of Defense. Not a day of mourning, but a day of happiness and joy. Indeed, the battle of Tel Hai took a heavy toll in blood, but the work of the people of Tel Hai became a reality. A reality of the rise of the state.
“Their courage and bravery spread like light in Israel and abroad, they reached every young Jew and were swallowed up in its soul – The song of life of the defenders of Tel Hai has not stopped. Then thousands immigrated to Israel, followed by thousands and hundreds of thousands. Hundreds of Hebrew settlements were established Hundreds of Tel Chai. Thousands of defenders arose: Loyal like them, brave like them, lovers of work and peace like them, and the strength of decision and purity of heart of the defenders of Tel Hai impresses them” (from a booklet for the reserve officer’s day 1954).
These heart-piercing words are the beating heart behind the Tel Hai Faithful Association. We are obliged to be the horn of that wonderful story, of those heroines and heroes. We are loyal to the story and values.
We are faithful to the commitment, that the spirit of Zionism and the love of the land that blows from Tel Hai will continue to blow with great force in all parts of the country, and that the lion’s roar calling for the unity of the people, which was the highest value of the Tel Hai group, will be heard loudly.
Tel Hai was a symbol of the state process that was on the way. A symbol of the transformation we went through as people and as a nation.
From the persecuted to the defenders, from the dispersed to the united, from exiles to the life of the nation. A symbol of revival and the rise of Hebrew heroism.
We didn't have one Tel Chai
But the whole country was Tel Chai for us. Telim Haim... Berel Katznelson
You are not going to Eretz Yisrael, not for the correction of your soul, not for the satisfaction of one of your longings, but for Eretz Israel itself, for the Jewish people, that the resurrection of Eretz Israel should lift it from its humiliation. Joseph Trumpeldor